A Chameleon Music Foundation

5 Year Anniversary - February 2010!

"A Day Without Music"
Written by former PBJAMMers Rocco Bovo and Steven Zhu
Director - Producer - Special EFX: Channing Kennedy
Lead Actors - PBJAMMers Isabel Gomez and Charlie Kruse

A child entrepren- artists' creed ~

Respect yourself, share your gifts and celebrate your individual talents

Respect your instrument whether it's a violin, the drums or your voice

Respect your fellow musicians and artists that share your stage

Respect your audience and those with whom you share your gifts

Respect the public, those in your community and the world

Respect the universe as a whole…and in return it respects you in all your glory! Carmen Milagro 1/2005

  • Who we are
  • What we do
  • Why we need your help!!!
    Check out our video by Bradd Graves


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Donate $$$
Please support our children who can envision their future which include plans to attend university and their desire to become a creative financially successful artist . Open donations of any amount are welcome or feel free to purchase a PB&JAMM tee shirt (all proceeds go directly back into our program)
Interview with Bella on Reason Software
Bella Gomez, an avid & enthusiastic PB&JAMMer began working on Reason at the ripe old age of 6 years old...She has written, directed, produced and starred in her own play as well written 3 songs (lyrics and melodies) and plans on recording them in the very near future!

Play Interview

Interview recorded by
Rich Armstrong at Milagro Music

October 19th proclaimed "Official" PB&JAMMusic Sessions for Kids Day by Mayor Gavin Newsom

Check out video footage from the concert at San Francisco City Hall

Meet some of our
(Fridays at MAT)

Janeshia "Hollywood" Adams-Ginyard PB&JAMM Interview

(produced by Chris Perkins)

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